i4AI Ltd

Industry 4.0 Artificial Intelligence – Innovation and Invention Through Machine Intelligence

Advancing Industry 4.0 with Artificial Intelligence

‘AlphaGo’ beats humans, and ‘AlphaGo Zero’ beats ‘AlphaGo’, heralding that machines look going to surpass humans in ‘intelligence’ … We admire DeepMind, London, now part of Google, which kicked off the current wave of AI. At i4AI, London, we are developing computational AI technology to surpass a human designer in innovation and creativity, just like AlphaGo Zero to have surpassed AlphaGo and humans in Go playing.

“Although fabrication of the chips is largely automated, the design still relies on manual processes. Engineers and designers use computer-aided design software, but it can still take them weeks or months to work out how to fit all the components into the available space. Google’s researchers have now shown that the process can be completed in less than a day by using artificial intelligence (AI).” — Nature, EDITORIAL 09 June 2021

About Us

The mission of i4AI Ltd is R&D to advance AI-based innovation and invention during “Industry 4.0”. The vision is to use such technology to benefit economic development and humanity.

Industry 4.0 (i4) stands for the fourth, and the first a-priori engineered, ‘Industrial (R)evolution’, which aims at upgrading the entire manufacturing value chain and transforming the factory floor to a ‘mass innovation centre’. All trends of i4 have in common the integration of several features as a response to challenges of computerised decision making, which are proliferated via the Internet and cloud computing.

So far, i4 R&D lacks an ‘intelligent design’ tool commensurate with ‘market informatics’ in a closed loop with critical insight into transforming computer-aided design (CAD) to computer-automated design (CAutoD) for smarter and faster responses, lower costs, better fitting to customer needs and wants. We utilise artificial evolution to go beyond machine learning and human perception to transform the passive CAD to the pro-active CAutoD for surpassing human intelligence in innovation and creativity for enhanced quality, efficiency and competitiveness.